Sunday, December 21, 2008

Alpaca Mating

Here's one way to mate like an Alpaca:

Here's another:

Either way, you're doing it right.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


There's peeing:

And then, there's peeing with style:

Alpaca style.

We Good, yo.

Yes, those are gang signs. But don't be scared. They're just giving an Alpaca shout-out.


With Alpaca, you can blend into any environment.....

Look closely, and you might notice a man holding a beer in the foreground. 

You said it man, Don't F@#K with Alpaca!

You screw with a man's wife, and maybe you get away with it. But you screw with a man's Alpaca.....

Friday, December 19, 2008

Striking Out

When you've been shot down all night, there's always Alpaca....


When you win the Masters, this happens:

When you win at Wii Golf, you get this:

Opening Up

Welcome to the inaugural post of the DC Alpaca Project -- a blog dedicated to the adventures of Nate's Alpaca Coat.

Our friend Nate has gone traveling to South America. He bought a sleek, hip Alpaca coat. He sent it to his friends for safe keeping. That was a mistake.

Yes, whatever you might hope is not happening in that picture, is.

Here's how it began: